
Annette, Natalie, & Stephanie losing weight and getting fit Who can lose the most?

Monday, October 17, 2005

how did that happen?

253 this morning. I started out to plan last week and then fell off the plan. But, back on plan today, with lots of support from a husband who's feeling it, too.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


So, in the interest of looking good in the pictures from Stephie's wedding next year, I'm starting up again. I weighed in at a huge 252.5 this morning. Yep. You read that right.

I worked out yesterday and will go to Curves again tomorrow.

I'm putting myself on an extremely low-cal diet for the next two weeks to get things jump-started. I had my usual raisin bran for breakfast and I'm snacking on raisins and water (trying to cut back on diet soda) until lunch which will be yogurt, high-fiber cereal and an apple and plum. Yep, I'm going to be one hungry woman. Dinner is expected to be steak and baked potato with veggies.