post-party blahs
I had a great weekend, even with the hangover.
My weight is steady at 241.5.
Annette, Natalie, & Stephanie losing weight and getting fit Who can lose the most?
It's a two-fold question. First part, what is Nattie eating? Second part, why are there cupcakes and ice cream in my house? You'd have to thank my husband for that.
Who didn't post a weight this week. I must say I'm up a smidge, but happily, the trip to Jolly Ole England didn't pack on any pounds.
Yesterday went okay. Billy's ears are better, but not as good as she thought they would be. We go to an ENT next Monday (fortunately, it's a holiday for Dave and me). Of course, he's at home with a fever this morning. He was 101.4 rectally. At 101.5 orally they send them home from daycare. Since your temp only goes up during the day, Mom Triner is staying with him.
I made some tweaks to the blog. I updated the settings to get rid of the September date, see the subtitle. I also added a progress checker on the right in the sidebar. I'll update it after each one of us posts a weight.
I had so much fun this weekend, but it was nice having the house to ourselves yesterday. I hope you all got home safe and not too long after I spoke with Nattie yesterday.