
Annette, Natalie, & Stephanie losing weight and getting fit Who can lose the most?

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Sweater Motivation

I found some new motivation. All the lovely sweaters I want to knit from this book I ordered for this lovely yarn only go up to a 40 inch bust. Right now, I'm many, many inches too wide!


Yesterday was okay until I had the sundae. I even got one of those new GO ACTIVE Adult Happy Meals with grilled chicken salad.

My stepometer doesn't work. I think that's how they get you to keep buying the meals!

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

fitday diary

Here's my fitday log

Doing better

I ate much better yesterday. I had my usual english muffin with peanut butter, bowl of raisin bran with skim milk, and calcium oj for breakfast. Mid-day snack was a pear and low-fat mozzarella string cheese. Lunch was a chicken salad sandwich on a whole wheat wrap with fat-free chips. Dinner was meat ravioli with tomato sauce and a bit of freshly grated parmesan cheese. I had a chocolate chunk granola bar for a night snack. I had water and diet sodas to drink.

Whew. I feel I need the accountability of logging my food. I think I'll start inputting at again.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Here kitty, kitty

What's in it for me?
Alley Cat! You're a wheelin' & dealin' kind of cat
who not only has the unique ability to take
things in stride, but let it be known you're
smarter than you look.

What kind of cat are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Netter's second weigh-in

Well, I maintained this week. Not surprising considering what I ate. There was a Hershey bar in there, buttery movie popcorn, an all you can eat breakfast buffet and pizza!


Must try harder. Good news is, there's not much competition!

How'd you do Nattie?

Friday, May 21, 2004

what candy are you?

An appropriate post, I think.

You're Skittles!!! You have a very interesting
personality, you're so unique. You're the kind
of person who always thinks outside of the box.
You're also a very accepting individual, and
believe in inner beauty.

Which kind of candy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Lunch temptation

Well, I did well for lunch today. I went to the diner with some friends and really wanted something greasy with fries. Instead I got a shrimp wrap with a side salad.

Now, I just have to resist the call of the vending machine. Man do I want something sweet!


We all need some support. That's why we're doing this together. Maybe you'll be motivated when we post weights Monday.

Walking is a great idea and it will be good for you and mom to get out and do it together.

I know about stress. Things here at work are crazy and when I get home I've got the baby to think about, too. I've got employees with family health crises, people quitting, and people who can't get along with coworkers in other departments. Plus, we're moving and merging at the end of next month!

I've done some things to improve my eating, but we rely too much on take out and I shouldn't have had dessert at lunch yesterday. It's so hard when a sales rep takes me out, though. I'm off to a slow start.

How about you, Steph? What's going on for you?

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Is Anybody Out There?

I don't think I'm in this alone, yet. :)

Yesterday was a better day. I had chicken salad on a whole wheat wrap with fruit salad for lunch and a personal pizza for dinner. Yeah, Yeah, doesn't sound like a "diet" dinner, but I'm nursing so I get a few extra calories today.

Wish me luck. Today's a big day at work. We're making initial announcements about a re-organization.

By the way Stephie, I've started your sweater!

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

I cheated

I cheated yesterday. My new boss brought Krispy Kremes to a training session and I had one. Someone said it was Maple and I just couldn't resist. Dinner was steak and salad.

No Donuts today! I think a salad for lunch and we're having grilled chicken for dinner.

Dave's been eating mostly meat and vegetables. He's cut out all sugar and most white flour. All he needs to do is add some exercise.

I need to do that to. But, how to find the time?

We had a rough night with Billy last night. He was up at 2:30, 4 and 6. I'm exhausted!

Monday, May 17, 2004

First weigh in

Okay. I'll go first. I weighed in at 220.5 this morning. That's 9.5 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight. I could detail different milestone weights I've had that were lower, but I won't. I hope to be below 200 by Labor Day, ideally at 190. Right now, I'm just cutting back on portions and cutting out sugars and refined starches, ie, pasta only once a week and no white bread. I have to find time to add some activity.

I want to give props to my husband for losing 14 pounds in his first week on a modified Atkins diet. I'd be doing that too, if I weren't still nursing.

Okay girls. Where are your weights?

Friday, May 14, 2004

First things first

I've thrown down the gauntlet. Will my sisters accept my challenge to see who loses the most weight?